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Changing Directions & Changing the World: Celebrating the Carver Mead New Adventures Fund

Friday, June 7, 2019, 1:00 pm — 5:30 pm
Location: Beckman Institute Auditorium, Caltech

The 1st Carver Mead New Adventures Fund Symposium celebrated the impact of the Carver Mead New Adventures Fund. The afternoon featured technical talks from Carver Mead New Adventures Fund recipients, alumni, and Carver Mead himself! Since 2014, this Fund has championed exceptional projects in their earliest stage of development – too early to attract industry or government support. This characteristic embodies Carver's approaches and practices, with a continued goal to expand Carver's daring approach to research and innovation throughout the Caltech campus. We highlighted some of the adventurous research that has been explored by grants made possible by this initiative with you.

Opening Remarks


President Thomas F. Rosenbaum, Opening Remarks
Professors Azita Emami and Adam Wierman, Welcome
Trustees Phil Neches, Ted Jenkins, and Charlie Trimble, Introduction

Session I


Caltech Alumna Dr. Marina Chen, Session Chair

Professor Shuki Bruck, Cancer Classification from Healthy DNA
Professor Michelle Effros, A Trip Down Memory Lane

Session II

3:00—4:00 pm

Caltech Alumna Dr. Chris Diorio, Session Chair

Professor Frederick Eberhardt, Causal Inference
Professor Katie Bouman, Imaging the Unseen: Taking the First Picture of a Black Hole

Session III


Caltech Alumna Dr. Kwabena Boahen, Session Chair

Professor Alireza Marandi, Ising Machines: Non-Von Neumann Computing with Nonlinear Optics
Professor Babak Hassibi, Deep Learning and the “Blessing” of Dimensionality
Professor Carver Mead, Closing Remarks

Reception including posters from all funded Carver Mead projects
Beckman Institute Courtyard
