Driven by the disruptive force of computing and the information sciences—which increasingly impact how researchers work and collaborate by providing them with the ability to extract meaningful information from enormous data sets—whole new fields are developing at the intersection of science and engineering that will shape our future.
In 2017, IST launched a initiative — Caltech Computes: Disrupting Science and Engineering with Computational Thinking — which builds on the foundation of IST's impressive success in inventing new "CS+X" fields at the interface of the information sciences and other areas in science and engineering.
The Caltech Computes vision is for Caltech to play a unique role in pushing computer science forward. By taking advantage of the amazingly interdisciplinary environment at Caltech, the initiative hopes to make Caltech computer science synonymous with the invention of new cross-cutting fields. "What happens when you take computational thinking and combine it with some other discipline? Something new and disruptive. Caltech is uniquely positioned to lead in these areas." Adam Wierman, said at the kickoff event while introducing a series of faculty speakers.
Historically, Caltech has had enormous successes with this "CS+X" vision, including playing a fundamental role in the creation of VLSI, quantum computing, DNA computing, synthetic biology, neural networks, algorithmic game theory, computer music, and many more. This spirit is thriving today as the Caltech Computes vision takes hold, as the talks featured below show.