Carver Mead New Adventures Fund
Previous Recipients
- Eric Mazumdar (EAS): "Learning to use Synthetic Data through Coupled Feedback"
- Jocelyn Holland (HSS): "Workshop on Latent Space and the Literary Imagination"
- Ralph Adolphs (HSS)/Matt Thomson (BBE)/ Frederick Eberhardt (HSS): "Using Large Language Models (LLMs) to Discover Latent Factors in Psychopathology"
- Wei Gao (EAS): "Affective Computing Wearable Sensor for Personalized Generative Therapy"
- Stanislov G. Djorgovski/ Ashish Mahabal (PMA): "Data for Cancer Research"
- Lihong Wang: "Light-Speed Ultrafast Imaging"
- Alireza Marandi: "Terahertz Clock-Rate Classical and Quantum Information Processing in Nanophotonics"
- Katie Bouman (CMS): "Revealing the 3D Cosmic Web through Physics Constrained Neural Networks"
- Soon-Jo Chung (CDS): "ABATAR: Adaptive Brain-computer-interface Autonomy Technology for Advanced Robots"
- Georgia Gkioxari/Yisong Yue (CMS): "Foundations of Neural Architecture Design for Multivariate Time Series Analysis"
- Henry Lester (BBE): "Data Science Aspects of the Project to Develop a Wearable Continuous Nicotine Monitor"
- Venkat Chandresekaran (EE/CMS) & Victoria Kostina (EE/CMS): "Decoding Error-Correcting Codes Via Lifting"
- Ali Hajimiri (EE/MedEng): "Large-Scale Free-Space Integrated Quantum Optoelectronics Systems"
- Changhuei Yang (EE/BioEng/MedEng): "Adapting Deep Learning to Identify Chicken Embryo Gender Through Better Egg Candling"
- Andrei Faraon (ApPhys/EE): "Fast Throughput Multi-Layer Lithography for Volumetric Meta-Optics"
- Peter Schröder (CMS): "Discrete Möbius Geometry: A Computational Dictionary"
- Konstantin (Kostia) M. Zuev (CMS): "Course-Prerequisite Networks"
- Joel Tropp (CMS): "Pushing the limits of large-scale kernel computations"
- Lulu Qian (BBE): "Matrix chemical reaction networks for advanced control in hydrogel soft robots"
- Sarah Reisman (CCE): "Caltech Center for Data-Driven Chemistry"
- Yisong Yue / Joel Burdick (CMS/ MechE & BE): "Towards Robust Representation Learning for Non-Invasive Brain Machine Interfaces"
- Garnet Kin-Lic Chan (CCE): "Support for a sabbatical visitor"
- Hyun Ji (Jane) Bae (Aero): "Optimal sensor placement for flow control using information theory"
- Zhongwen Zhan (GeoPh), Zach Ross (GeoPh) and Anima Anandkumar (CMS): "DAS Data Reduction and Signal Discovery with Generative Neural Operators"
- Eric Mazumdar (CMS/Econ): "Towards Closed-Loop Learning in Societal Systems"
- Christopher Martin (Physics) and Phil Hopkins (AstroPhys/Astronomy): "Cosmic Patterns in the Cosmic Web"
- Axel Scherer (EE/APh/Ph): "Developing the Technology to Reach the 1nm Node"
- Michelle Effros (EE): "A New Paradigm for Universal Channel Coding"
- Shuki Bruck (CNS & EE): "Binary and Stochastic Token Neural Networks"
- Katie Bouman (CMS) and Yisong Yue (CMS): "A Computational Microscope for Scientific Signatures"
- Shuki Bruck (EE): "Studying the Evolution and Severity of the Corona Virus using Genomic State Entropy"
- Chiara Daraio (MechE/APh): "Data-driven design of structured materials using a growth-like generative program"
- Wei Gao (MedE): "Machine Learning-Assisted Human-Machine Interactive Robotic System"
- Alireza Marandi (EE): "On-Chip Solid-State Femtosecond Mode-Locked Laser"
- Pietro Perona (CMS), David Anderson (BBE), and Markus Meister (BBE): "A computational exploration of behavior"
- David van Valen (BBE): "A cellular ImageNet for the life sciences"
- Frederick Eberhardt (HSS) and Eric Huff (JPL): "Causal Astrophysics"
- Azita Emami (EE/MedE) and Anima Anandkumar (CMS): "Arrhythmia Detection Enabled by Co-Design of Analog Hardware and AI Algorithms"
- Ali Hajimiri (EE/MedE): "Integrated Photonics Sensing System"
- Steven Low (CMS/EE) and Adam Wierman (CMS): "Mitigation of Cascading Failures in Power Grids"
- Zach Ross (GPS) and Katie Bouman (CMS/EE): "Neural-network Based Manifold learning for Calculating Hypcenter and Slip Inversions"
- Axel Scherer (EE/APh/Ph): "THz Switching Between Electrons and Light"
- P.P. Vaidyanathan (EE): "Random asynchronous signal processing on networks"
- Erik Winfree (CS/CNS/BE): "Pattern Recognition by Stochastic Molecular Self-Assembly"
- Frances Arnold (CCE): "Bridging Proteins and Small Molecules: Machine-Learning to Assist Protein Engineering"
- Shuki Bruck (EE): "A Personal Mutation Index for Predicting Cancer Onset"
- Laura Doval (HSS), Federico Echenique (HSS), and Adam Wierman (CMS): "Designing School Lotteries in the Presence of an Outside Option"
- Babak Hassibi (EE): "Stochastic Gradient Descent in Deep Learning: Implicit Regularization and Generalization"
- Alireza Marandi (EE): "Next Generation Integrated Photonic Devices and Systems based on Quadratic Nonlinearities"
- Keith Schwab (APh): "Development of Superfluid Qubits"
- Omer Tamuz (HSS): "Computer Aided Humor"
- Yaser Abu-Mostafa (EE/CMS): "Ultrasounds via Machine Learning"
- Shuki Bruck (EE): "A Personal Mutation Index for Predicting Cancer Onset"
- John Doyle (CMS), Lea Goentoro (BBE), Matilde Marcolli (PMA), Lior Pachter (BBE/CMS), Matt Thomson (BBE): "Architectures of Dynamic Biological Networks"
- Frederick Eberhardt (HSS), Anima Anandkumar (CMS), Ralph Adolphs (BBE): "Causality in Psychometric Data"
- Michelle Effros (EE): "Information Theoretic Tools for Understanding Memory"
- Wei Gao (MedE): "A Wearable Molecular Sensing Platform"
- Austin Minnich (ME/APh): "Design of Molecular Machines using Big Data"
- Andrew Stuart (CMS) and Tapio Schneider (ESE): "Multiscale Climate Modeling"
- P.P. Vaidyanathan (EE): "Signal Processing on Graphs"